For a Green and Prosperous Outaouais

Development of the public and active transportation network

Using our car less and getting around by public or active transportation has benefits on the environment, our health, but also on the economy. In fact, according to Vélo Québec, the less quickly we travel, the more likely we are to stop (cycling and walking).

Depending on your needs, a wide range of transportation options are available to you. Regular and electric bikes, walking, scooters, skateboards, buses, cars, etc.

10 proposals
1 question
98 votes
15 participants
Theme over



Development of the public and active transportation network

Using our car less and getting around by public or active transportation has benefits on the environment, our health, but also on the economy. In fact, according to Vélo Québec, the less quickly we travel, the more likely we are to stop (cycling and walking).

Depending on your needs, a wide range of transportation options are available to you. Regular and electric bikes, walking, scooters, skateboards, buses, cars, etc.

Note : The "map mode" allows you to consult proposals that are geolocated. The proposals are identified by pins or delimited zones. To consult the non-geolocated proposals, switch to list mode.

10 proposals
1 question
98 votes
15 participants
